So far, I've built a little Delphi application that can execute an SQL command, but I also had to enter the example "CREATE TABLE" SQL command in the Memo field by hand. 现在,我已经构建了一个可以执行SQL命令的小的Delphi应用程序,但还必须在Memo字段中手工输入示例中的“CREATETABLE”SQL命令。
Open the table that contains your memo field. 打开包含备注字段的表。
Click the control source property box and select your memo field from the list. 单击“控件来源”属性框并从列表中选择您的备注字段。
As you proceed, remember that access does not enable these controls until you enable rich text editing for a memo field. 执行操作时,请记住,在您为“备注”字段启用格式文本编辑之前,access不会启动这些控件。
Typically, names such as "comments" or "notes" are applied to a memo field. “备注”字段通常使用像“注释”或“说明”这样的名称。
These steps explain how to add a control to a form, bind the control to a memo field, and then enable rich text editing. 下列步骤解释如何向窗体中添加控件,将该控件绑定到备注字段,然后启用格式文本编辑。
For information about adding a memo field to a table, see enable rich text editing in a table, earlier in this article. 有关向表中添加备注字段的信息,请参阅本文前面的在表中启用格式文本编辑。
Memo to the rest of the field at the2010 World Cup: Reports of Argentine demise have been greatly exaggerated. 请2010年南非世界杯其他参赛球队注意,有关阿根廷将早早被淘汰的报导言过其实。
Both Text and Memo data types store only the characters entered in a field; space characters for unused positions in the field aren ′ t stored. “文本”及“备注”数据类型只是保存输入到字段中的字符,而并不保存字段中没有用到的空字符。
When enabled, users can add data to the memo field, but they cannot change or remove existing data. 启用时,用户可以向“备注”字段中添加数据,但不能更改或删除现有数据。
Operation is invalid for a memo, general, or picture field. 对备注字段、通用字段或图片字段此操作无效。
Specifies the name of the user-defined window to be used if the data source for a TextBox control is a memo field. 如果文本框控件的数据源是一个备注字段,则用来指定要使用的用户自定义的窗口名。
You can't put a Memo field in a lookup table. Perhaps you can change the field to a Text field first. 不能将备注字段放入查阅表中。也许可以先将其改变成文本字段。
Select the memo field that you want to change, and in the lower part of the table designer, on the general tab, scroll down to the append only property. 选择要更改的备注字段,然后在表设计器下半部分中的“常规”选项卡上,向下滚动,找到“仅追加”属性。
You use a memo field when you need to store large amounts of text in a database. 当您需要在数据库中存储大量文本时,应使用“备注”字段。
Specifies if a window is automatically opened for a TextBox control that is bound to a memo field. 指定当文本框控件绑定备注型字段时,是否自动打开备注窗口。
Memo Field and Its Application in FoxPro FoxPro中备注字段及其应用
This paper presents two correlative technology of building report forms: dynamic report forms and the printing of memo field. It analyzes their design concept, the method, and its application. 本文介绍了VFP6.0中生成报表的两种相关技术:动态报表和备注字段的打印,并分析了这两种技术的设计思想、实现方法及应用。
The writing environment offered by this system, realizes the external word software and external figure editor in FoxBASE+ database Memo field, therefore the drawing figure, modifying and storing figure functions are realized directly in Memo field. 子系统提供的写作环境,实现了在FoxBASE+数据库Memo字段分别使用外部字处理软件和外部图形编辑软件,从而实现了Memo字段的直接绘图、改图和存图。